Boat Inspection Seal
We have found that boaters are willing to cooperate in the inspection process but would also like to know that efforts are being made to keep it convenient and are done in a way that impacts their experience the least. This feature allows the dedicated or repeat visitor to the same uncontaminated water quicker access to the lake since once decontaminated, the vessel can be shown to be safe to launch by virtue of the inspection seal.
After a boat and trailer combination has been successfully inspected and/or decontaminated we will implement a seal that will be recognized throughout the facilities participating in the inspection program.
The seal will be tamper resistant and fixed to the boat and trailer combination so that if a boat is launched in any waterway the seal will be broken effectively voiding the seal.
A vessel, arriving at any participating facility with the seal intact allows the boat and trailer to launch without re-inspection.
Upon retrieval of the vessel, inspectors would re-tag the boat and trailer combination for future use at the facilities.
Inspection Seal